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Sarah was happy renting a home, until circumstances forced her hand

Purchasing a property had always been a fool’s hope for Sarah, according to Nine’s recent article. Click here to read 9Honey’s full article. From original:  Sarah Bannon has lived in rental homes her entire life. “I’ve always lived in rentals all throughout Brisbane,” Bannon, 35, tells 9Honey. Having moved out of home when she was 18, that’s 17 years […]

Why would you sell a property off-market in Australia?

While the traditional approach to real estate involves listing properties on public platforms, there is a growing number of properties being sold discreetly – off-market. When majority of modern buyers find their next home on these well-known, high-traffic online platforms, why would a seller choose to sell off-market instead?   Reduced Competition With off-market deals, […]

The First Home Buyer’s Guide: Unlock Success with a Buyers Agent

In the ever-evolving, ever-overwhelming real estate scene, the journey to homeownership has become increasingly complex—especially for our dear first-time buyers. Between the high-pressure decision of finding a suitable, affordable home, and navigating the property market, first home buyers often find themselves feeling exhausted and unequipped. Indeed, settling a realistic budget and understanding neighbourhood trends, property […]