Best Suburbs in Brisbane for First Home Buyers
Dreaming of home ownership? Here are some tips from the team at LJBA on the best suburbs in Brisbane for first home buyers!
Australians are making a median of $326,000 from selling their houses
You can access the full Domain article here. Alternatively, you can read from the original below. Australia’s property market reaches new heights, more home owners than ever are reaping substantial profits from selling their properties. The new Domain Profit & Loss Report reveals that the proportion of profit-making resales has reached multi-year highs in […]
QLD suburbs where you need over $500K to afford a home
A recent Gold Coast Bulletin article includes commentary from Buyers Agent Lauren Jones on the QLD suburbs where you need to earn over $500k to afford a home. Find the article at
Lauren Jones for Domain: Is renovating still expensive?
A recent Domain article shares Buyers Agent Lauren Jones’ insights into the building industry and home renovation costs. Article Link here. Or read an excerpt from the original: The cost of home renovation has risen exponentially since the pandemic due to supply chain issues, a massive backlog of demand and a […]
The Real Estate Podcast Welcomes Lauren Jones
Tune into a recent episode of The Real Estate Podcast, released on June 6th: ‘Strong Apartment Buying: First Home Buyers’ Lauren Jones discusses which apartment complexes are best (and worst) to invest in, breaks down hot pockets in Brisbane’s market, and how to successfully enter the market as a first home buyer. Podcast […]
LJBA Saves Client from Dead-End Property Hunt
Through the expert guidance of Lauren Jones Buyers Agency, a middle-aged Brisbane woman has turned her property search into a smooth and stress-free experience. She is now settled into her “99.9% perfect” property! Prior to her property hunt, Lucy resided in a single bedroom unit, which she had been renting since her big move […]
Keeping your Cool as Brisbane’s Unit Market Heats Up
Full Homely article available here. Otherwise, here’s a copy of the original: Brisbane’s unit market is showing early signs of continuing last year’s momentum in 2024, with sales, price growth, and rental yields all on the rise. A data-backed deep dive into the unit value boom According to Brisbane buyers agent and […]
LJBA Rescues Client From House-Hunting Nightmare
A retired Brisbane woman transformed her property purchase journey into a stress-free, streamlined ride and is now settled into her dream home—all thanks to Lauren Jones Buyers Agency. Lyn was stuck between a rock and a hard place over the 2023 Christmas break, when the task of finding a new home was thrust […]
Keeping your cool as Brisbane’s unit market heats up
Brisbane’s unit market is showing early signs of continuing last year’s momentum in 2024, with sales, price growth, and rental yields all on the rise. A Data-Backed Deep Dive into the Unit Value Boom According to, the Brisbane apartment market has seen a significant boom, with 817 apartments sold in 2023, […]
The families who own a home but choose to rent instead
“One rentvestor who bought is thrilled with the capital growth and flexible lifestyle, but another says he would do things differently if doing it again. Here’s how to rentvest – the smart way.” Reported by Wealth Reporter Lucy Dean and featuring the commentary of Brisbane buyers agent Lauren Jones, this Australian Financial Review article discusses […]