Your Trusted Partner in Finding the Perfect Home

Ep. 75: Expert Series – Lauren Jones, Buyers Agent

In this freshly released episode of Leifield Real Estate’s podcast, Lauren Jones provides invaluable insight into her unique challenges and opportunities she encounters as a buyer in Brisbane’s competitive market.  Click here to tune in! 

Home Sweet Homely: Trending Interior Design Ideas on Homely

Check out the full Homely article here.  From original: Welcome to the world of interior design right here in Australia, a place where tradition collides with contemporary innovation to create spectacles of style and functionality. Let this article be your front-row seat to the ever-evolving, ever-beautiful tapestry of trends unfolding across homes Down Under. From… Continue reading Home Sweet Homely: Trending Interior Design Ideas on Homely

Squashing the stigma around buying and selling property at the same time

Read the full Homely article here. From original: A logistical juggling act, a financial frenzy, and an emotional rollercoaster like no other in the world of real estate—this is the stigma around buying and selling at the same. One so strong that even the most seasoned homeowners are warded off from considering such a venture. It’s… Continue reading Squashing the stigma around buying and selling property at the same time

Middle-Aged First Home Buyers Confront Soaring Property Prices

An in-depth look at the growing trend of middle-aged Australians buying their first homes, amidst rising property prices and economic shifts.     From original BNN article:   “The phenomenon of first-time homebuyers entering the market in their forties and fifties is becoming increasingly common, driven by record-high property prices in cities across Australia. Brisbane buyers agent… Continue reading Middle-Aged First Home Buyers Confront Soaring Property Prices

Lauren Jones Discusses The Rise of 40-50 year old First Home Buyers

From original article: The number of first-home buyers in their forties and fifties is rising as soaring house prices drag out the length of time it takes to save a deposit. Brisbane buyers agent Lauren Jones said it is now quite common to see middle-aged buyers entering the property market for the first time. “Property prices… Continue reading Lauren Jones Discusses The Rise of 40-50 year old First Home Buyers

Australia’s best property options under $500,000

Check out the full article here. From original: “Buyers looking for real estate priced below $500,000 may feel they’re facing mission impossible but there are capital city suburbs and regional areas where liveable properties can be found on this budget. Are there any decent properties that can be bought in Australia for less than half… Continue reading Australia’s best property options under $500,000

Home loan pre-approval:  Is it worth the hassle for homebuyers?

Click here to read Homely’s full article.  From original: “So, you’ve found your dream home—the one you just pictured—and have confidently submitted an offer. You’re convinced that your steady job and perfect credit score will pull you through, despite bypassing the pre-approval process. However, when the property’s seller receives multiple offers and leans toward those with… Continue reading Home loan pre-approval:  Is it worth the hassle for homebuyers?

The 20 best suburbs for home sellers in Brisbane

In a data-backed, breaking article by Townsville Bulletin, Brisbane’s top 20 most sellable suburbs are revealed. As well, Lauren Jones provides valuable insight into Brisbane’s seller’s market, suggesting regions where homeowners should consider listing now.      Click here to read the Townsville Bulletin’s full article.     

Revealed: Suburbs where you are most at risk of overpaying

With the help of expert insight from our very own Buyers Agent Lauren Jones, Courier Mail reveals Brisbane’s top 20 real estate danger zones. Brace yourself for a suburb-by-suburb breakdown of regions at risk.      Click here to read the full article.

Is the cost of building a new house putting you off?

The decline of new builds in Australia has been a consistent trend for a number of years, with only 13,085 Australian building approvals made in December of 2023.  See what Lauren Jones has to say about new builds, knock down rebuilds, and the silver linings within it all.  Click here to read the full article.