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Dynamic Property Strategies for First Home Buyers

Property Strategies = Success

Dynamic Property Strategies for First Home Buyers


As a first home buyer, you must prepare for an overwhelming array of choice, advice, and shifts in the Australian property market. At Lauren Jones Buyers Agency, we understand that property purchase is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make. That’s why partnering with experts like Trent Alexander, the mastermind behind Investments Accelerated, can make all the difference.

As a Melbourne-based property adviser, Trent helps Australian buyers to develop strategies that address their financial future, lifestyle, and property ambitions. For first home buyers, this means having someone who can not only map out the present logistics of your purchase, but also its future impact. With property prices rising drastically by the month, and evolving consumer expectations, it is now more than ever crucial to approach the property market with confidence.

Trent spoke with Lauren Jones regarding three dynamic property strategies for first home buyers entering the Australian market. See his expert advice below.


Property Strategy 1: The One-and-Done


Trent gears this buy-to-hold strategy toward couples or older buyers with the financial ability to make a large, single investment from the start. Rather than buying a modest first home and upgrading later, the One-and-Done approach allows buyers to make one significant purchase. The idea is to avoid the costs associated with multiple transactions—like first home buyer stamp duty—by focusing on a home that fulfils long-term needs.

While this strategy can eliminate the stress of future relocations, Trent warns that it requires careful consideration. Think location, liveability, and sustainability—buyers must ensure they are selecting a property that keeps these three factors viable.

As well, Trent urges buyers to maintain an open dialogue with mortgage brokers about income potential, exploring options to bridge saving gaps, such as a knockdown rebuild.

But remember—caution is key. For buyers desperate to escape a current living situation, this approach may not be right. A rushed decision can lead to choosing a home or location that doesn’t suit future needs, ultimately negating this strategy’s benefits.


Property Strategy 2: The Stepping Stone


There’s a widespread perception that every first home is just a stepping stone to something bigger and better. Such is true in many cases, though it is possible for buyers to ensure their first property holds long-term value. Often, first home buyers with a focus on growth potential prefer the Stepping Stone strategy. However, it does not come free of challenge.

Often, the Stepping Stone approach involves making compromises on personal criteria in exchange for better capital growth. Buyers might find themselves in a suburb slightly further out, purchasing a property that has the potential to grow significantly in value, even if it’s not their dream home just yet. This requires looking at properties from an equity and growth perspective rather than immediate lifestyle desires.

Trent emphasises the importance of selecting a high-growth asset—something that will give you the equity to trade up when the time is right. He also advises that this strategy is not just about buying something affordable. Instead, it works to ensure you remain on-track to purchasing your dream home.


Property Strategy 3: Rentvesting


Rentvesting presents an alternative path for those who aren’t interested in living where they buy. This strategy is popular among younger, single, and ambitious buyers who see property primarily as an investment. The idea is to rent where you live but purchase property in a growth area. That way, you can maintain a more flexible living situation while building wealth.

It is no secret that Rentvesting can be financially addictive. Buyers often find themselves caught up in the excitement of seeing their investment grow, but this strategy requires careful management. If you max out your borrowing capacity too soon, you could be forced to sell everything and start again.

This investment property strategy appeals to buyers young enough to hold their investments until they’re ready to purchase a home. However, Trent warns against rushing into multiple investments too quickly. Selling off properties to regain financial control is common among those who get carried away—and certainly not ideal.


Future-Proofing Your First Home Purchase


No matter which property strategy you gravitate toward, Trent will ensure that first home buyers have the guidance they need. By showing clients the outcomes of each strategy, he helps them make informed and viable choices.

Lauren Jones Buyers Agency is thrilled to collaborate with professionals like Trent who prioritise thoughtful, long-term planning. With rising interest rates and market fluctuations, buying the right property at the right time has never been more critical. So, whether you’re looking for a family home, an investment property, or the first step toward home ownership, you need not fear. With the right strategy and the right guidance, your future in Australian real estate is in safe hands.